How did this
1) Dear Mr. Gager,
We regret to inform you that we have decided to pull your piece, Fireworks , from Squawk Back's archives. Please do not take this to mean that we did not at the time, and do not currently, thoroughly enjoy your piece: our decisions have been informed more by whether a given piece fits well with the overall aesthetic of Squawk Back, less their aesthetic merit,—in which we, undoubtedly, believed when we selected them for publication.
Therefore, we enthusiastically encourage you to re-submit this piece to other publications in which it may be a better fit—which would be especially advantageous for its author, as having your work buried in the archives of a publication with whose tone it doesn't particularly accord redounds to neither our abilities to promote and disseminate a uniformity of content; nor your own, to provide content appropriate to a given publication.
p.s. I dislike you
become this?
2) WOW! You're RIGHT! It IS amazing that I'm trying to run a literary publication that isn't an abysmal piece of shit littered with undercooked subpornographic literary farts. God, I mean, WHO COULD BELIEVE that I might regret a hasty publication choice from a year and a half ago when I published a new issue every 5 days and hence the standard was a lot lower.
and then later this?
I guess they weren't telling me how they really felt. After I read the first e-mail it seemed like it was their way of communicating that there was a dead link. Journals and magazines have the right to archive anything that they want, even if the rest of the issue was kept in tact. Yes, I was disappointed but when I went to check the dead link I was greeted by a video of a laughing dog. At the time of publication he was very positive about Fireworks, tweeting, "A disconcertingly sexual prose poem". We've come a long way to get to "undercooked subpornographic literary farts."
Then I reread the e-mail and very small, under their tag lines were the words ( p.s. I dislike you) . As I've mentioned, it's fine to do what you'd like with your journal but the smug and insulting way it was done was pretty amazing. I was still in the dark about the big picture, as number two and number three statements from above have yet to be posted.
I hate being in the dark. Might it have been a mistake? Who dislikes me and why? I had to check on the editor, as maybe it was someone I may have pissed off. The editor was Zak Block whom, to my knowledge, I've had zero interactions with but upon further review he had blocked me on Facebook.
So I went public and received a lot of support--none on the merit of the work but rather that "it was a rotten thing to have happened to you", like a car running through a puddle and soaking you at the curb. Some posted a screen shot of the cache and posted it on their pages.
Obviously the word got back to those folks at Squawk Back, as they posted the
"WOW! You're RIGHT! " status on their Facebook page. Interesting that there was also another post that either either rightfully kissed the ass of or complimented in a backhanded way, Roxanne Gay, who openly commented that their staff's handling of my being unpublished as "unbelievable".
Still, I have to ask, if the powers at Squawk Back disliked it so much why did they publish it in the first place?
Was it this?
"...whose tone it doesn't particularly accord redounds to neither our
abilities to promote and disseminate a uniformity of content; nor your
own, to provide content appropriate to a given publication"
Perhaps. Or was it this?
"God, I mean, WHO COULD BELIEVE that I might
regret a hasty publication choice from a year and a half ago when I
published a new issue every 5 days and hence the standard was a lot
WHO COULD BELIEVE Again, I don't care if you like or dislike my writing or if you like or dislike me but if you claim to
"run a literary publication that isn't an abysmal piece of shit" All I care about is the professionalism in which you dealt with me which appears to be quite abysmal.
Post blog, 11:30 AM:
Statements numbered 2 and 3 have been removed or deleted from their site. Also the post about Roxanne Gay was removed. That's good stuff right there.
Post blog, Part 2, 12:55 PM:
I heard from Zak Block who said I could share "Anyway, I read your blogpost and everything you said is pretty much accurate, I have no complaints and am more than willing to admit that I was wrong and might have been taking a few liberties of the imagination in inferring your electronic conduct as rude, for which reason I apologize. (This isn't intended to be a confidential apology, I am more than happy for you to show it to people.) Sorry again and happy trails."