Saturday, July 13, 2024

Two new books coming down the pike....#19 on the plate, #20 still in the kitchen


Big Table Publishing will be putting out Almost Bluing for X-Tra Whiteness, my tenth book of poetry, sometime soon, looking at before the end of the year. The title covers the multiple themes held withing the page: aging, pop-culture, music, feeling blue.

The book will be divided into four sections:

1) Blue

2) X-Tra White

3) Re(a)d

4) Blu-ing

Here's are the ver first two blurbs from Jennifer Martelli and Gloria Mindock


I have blurbs for my next novel, Shadows of the Seen, but no publisher as of yet---I've sent it out to quite a few, now it's time to play the waiting game. My vision for a cover is below and please note, I am not a graphic artist. 

UPDATE: (7/15)The Shadows of the Seen now also under contract

As for the covers, I've done a mock-up to suggest a style, (just a suggestion), but what I'm looking for is a wink toward:

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