Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coming Soon, Anti-Social Network, a chapbook of poetry from Redneck Press

Rusty Barnes reported it on their site HERE but basically it says this....

In excit­ing new news, Red­neck Press and Fried Chicken and Cof­fee will be pub­lish­ing three poetry chap­books in 2010/2011: new chap­books from Den­nis Maha­gin, Tim­o­thy Gager, and Rose­mary Royston.

Ken­neth Clark's Eggs of Amer­i­can Song­birds was offi­cially released on 12÷13÷10.

Sub­mis­sions for the 2012 chap­book series are open. Please use Sub­mish­mash and be sure to include details of why you think Red­neck Press/FCAC is the right press for you. Please don't send me bull­shit. Read the blog, the sto­ries, the poems, the man­i­festo, and be sure you've read a pub­lished poem or two within the last cen­tury and can demon­strate that knowl­edge by what you've writ­ten. You could buy and read our first chap­book release, too.  That wouldn't hurt your chances at all.
Our next chap­books will be from:

Den­nis Mahagin's chap­book Fare will be pub­lished in 2011. Den­nis is a poet and writer from the Pacific North­west.  He was born in Butte, Mon­tana, and stud­ied Music, Lit­er­a­ture  and His­tory at Whit­man Col­lege and Port­land State Uni­ver­sity.  His poems and sto­ries have appeared in mag­a­zines such as  Exquis­ite Corpse, 42opus, Absinthe Lit­er­ary Review, Stir­ring, Night Train, Key­hole, 3 A.M., Thieves Jar­gon, Sto­ry­glos­sia, and Smoke­long Quar­terly. Writ­ers who have influ­enced his style include Thom Jones, Barry Han­nah, Denis  John­son, Gre­gory Corso, Kim Addonizio, and Dori­anne Laux. A first book-length col­lec­tion of Dennis's poetry is forth­com­ing in late 2011, from Rebel Satori Press.  http://​fourhourhardon​.blogspot​.com

Tim­o­thy Gager's chap­book Anti-Social Net­work will be pub­lished in 2011. Tim­o­thy Gager is the author of eight books of short fic­tion and poetry. His lat­est, Treat­ing a Sick Ani­mal (Cer­vena Barva Press) fea­tures over forty sto­ries, many pre­vi­ously pub­lished in var­i­ous lit­er­ary mag­a­zines. He has hosted the suc­cess­ful Dire Lit­er­ary Series in Cam­bridge, Mass­a­chu­setts every month for the past ten years and is the co-founder of Somerville News Writ­ers Fes­ti­val. http://​www​.tim​o​th​y​gager​.com

Rose­mary Royston’s chap­book Split­ting the Soil will be pub­lished in late 2011/early 2012. Rose­mary is a poet and writer who has lived in the foothills of the South­ern Appalachi­ans for the last six­teen years. A native of north Geor­gia, she stud­ied at Young Har­ris Col­lege, The Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia, and received her MFA in Writ­ing from Spald­ing Uni­ver­sity in Louisville, KY. Rosemary’s poetry has been pub­lished in The Com­stock Review, Main Street Rag, Ale­house, Lit­eral Latte, Pub­lic Repub­lic, and Dark Sky Mag­a­zine. Her essays on writ­ing poetry are forth­com­ing in Women and Poetry: Tips on Writ­ing, Teach­ing and Pub­lish­ing by Suc­cess­ful Women Poets, McFar­land. She was the recip­i­ent of the 2010 Lit­eral Latte Food Verse Award, and she was the 2004 recip­i­ent of first and third place in poetry, Porter Flem­ing Lit­er­ary Awards. She cur­rently serves as the Pro­gram Coör­di­na­tor for the North Car­olina Writ­ers Network-West. http://​thelux​u​ry​oftrees​.word​press​.com/

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"In a Jam" about airport security? Read about it, not by plane but by Truck!

The TSA states repeatedly in their security announcements that you cannot bring aerosols, liquids, or gels through security if they are bigger than 3oz or 100ml. There was a news story about this man who got detained for objecting to this after packing  his grandmother's homemade orange marmalade in his suitcase .

I remembered seeing Henry Rollins speak about being detained once because of his political views and was placed in the same room as Cat Stevens.

I wrote a poem about this called, "In a Jam" and it appears in Truck Magazine today..

I'm heading to Austin, Texas, Saturday. I'd better be careful. I could always take a truck.