Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Award Winning, #1 Best Selling Author, Anna David, has me on her podcast, On Good Authority. The Write Lauch writing group, now open for new members

"I got this email. I was on your mailing list to begin with. And I get this email during the pandemic. And I'm kind of like, well, you know, what do I do during that time? Stare at the wall or work on some writing and I was like I'm in. And I was introduced to some amazing people that, you know, I'm still in contact with today, amazing people, amazing connections. And, you know, three years later, we're still meeting daily."


I run Anna David's Write Launch Writers Group, which meets five times a week on Zoom! Listen all about it, and we are open for new members twice a year---AND RIGHT NOW!! 

My poem, Dog Years, appears in Somerville Times newspaper today


Thanks to Doug Holder, who published my very first, in 2002. It's May 31, 2023 and we are still kicking. In this one, I compare an old (active, healthy) dog, to the decline of the physical human condition. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

First and Last Word Poetry Series feature with Richard Hoffman, Susan Donnelly.

 Honored to read at this great series hosted by Harris Gardner and Gloria Mindock. Some amazing co-features Richard Hoffman and Susan Donnelly made me grateful for my poetry life