Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rusty Barnes and myself to target White Trash Anthology, late 2016, early 2017.

It was a long time ago Rusty Barnes and myself talked this one up. How long and how? I don't remember.

We may have been speaking about this little old book, pictured to the right:

Still, I don't know. I don't remember. I also don't remember where I put my keys either or for that matter, my wallet and I'm having a difficult time remembering people's names or money I owe them or money they owe me.

So how are we going to define what should be submitted. The early definition is HERE.

All we know is that it certainly not going to be white folks or trashy folks only. I also know that submission guidelines will be coming soon. Definitely poetry and most likely fiction under 1500 words. Knowing Rusty, this anthology is going to be solid writing and even if the theme sounds limiting, it'll branch out past the creative boundaries that people might expect. In other words, it won't be the same old shit.

White Trash: An Anthol­ogy, is an attempt, through poetry and short-short fiction–1500 words or fewer–to human­ize those mem­bers of Amer­i­can soci­ety often called white trash or red­necks, one of the few remain­ing sub­sets of indi­vid­u­als it's OK to ridicule and stereo­type. We invite sub­mis­sions from any­one who thinks they have some­thing to say on the sub­ject, those who know oth­ers well enough to impress us with that knowl­edge, and with par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to those who have been iden­ti­fied or self-identify as white trash.
Well 2016-2017 is a long ways away. What can you do now? You can like the Facebook page, check back and wait for the submissions to open.

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