Friday, September 18, 2015

Coming fairly soon: A whole lot of things--a book, an anthology and Nadine Darling takes over Dire for a month!

OCTOBER 2, 2015, 7 PM
541 mass ave
CAMBRIDGE, MA--at Central square
A Evening with Nadine Darling (October 2015)
Literary Match Game 2015 starring Rusty Barnes, Robin Stratton, Chad Parenteau,
Sarah Blake, Nadine Darling and Sue Miller. Prizes!!
Plus A Talk Show,
And Special Guests, Sarah Blake, Timothy Gager ,

Ah, yes The Match Game for a book release!

Let's start with the different Dire, the literary series I've run every month for 14 years. When Nadine Darling, author of She Came From Beyond! asked to take over my series, for her book release, I said,

I don't think I'd allow a takeover for anyone else but Nadine, as she is a friend of mine who I've workshopped with and who I read to overcome any writer's block I may be having. The cadence of her work opens creative cadences in my own brain, if that makes any sense.

So we decided to make it fun. No open mic, with giveaways, the game show and a segment using Talk Show format, interviewing Nadine and Sarah Blake, poetess author of "Mr. West".  There will also be a big screen with old commercials, live commercials, which will be improvised and various sound effects. Rumor has it that another poetess Teisha Twomey will appear as Vana White to keep the Match Game scores and I will play Gene Rayburn AND Irv Muffin (Merv Griffin)

2. "Grand Slam's: A Coming of Eggs Story" went through it's second edit. This one, a bang up job, by Cheryl Devitt after Rene Schwiesow had the difficult task of looking at "raw data" of a second draft. I feel pretty good about this book. Look for it in 2016.

3. The anthology, co-edited with Rusty Barnes(mentioned last week) featuring submissions from any­
one who thinks they have some­thing to say on the sub­ject of white trash, those who know oth­ers well enough to impress us with that knowl­edge, and with par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to those who have been iden­ti­fied or self-identify as white trash.

That's enough news for today!

Gossip Girl

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