Many LIVE reading series take summers off. Doing Virtual Fridays Dire on Zoom weekly is a blast, but I wanted some Friday nights in the summer to myself. I ended up missing it, and having four events from July-through August seems scant...but they were some great evenings. Check out Natalie Bonfig, John Domini, Anna VQ Ross, and Rachel Yoder, if you missed them----as these Dire presentations by the authors, I've been told, are like a master class in writing.
Features will read 10 minutes at either 7 PM or 8 PM Eastern Standard Time, at their preference (before or after the open mic). To see these events on live stream join Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series Group on Facebook or message me for information. All feature segments get uploaded to YouTube, and you have the option to subscribe. Our features are followed or preceded by the best open mic in the world, so bring your best stuff.
People that know the Zoom Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series around the world, may not know of the live event I ran in Cambridge, Ma. People in Cambridge may not realize that after a year and a half it popped up as a Zoom reading. For all of those folks here is the complete event tally and locations.
February-March 2001 - First Tuesday reading at Cantab Underground 2
June 2001-Aug 2002- First Friday, Out of the Blue Art Gallery 15 168 Brookline St., Cambridge
Sept 2002-Oct 2011-First Friday, Out of the Blue Art Gallery 110 106 Prospect St., Cambridge
Dec 2011-Sept 2014-First Friday, Out of the Blue Art Gallery 34 106 Prospect St., Cambridge
Oct 2014-Nov 2017-First Friday, Out of the Blue Too 38 541 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge
Dec 2017-June 2018 First Saturday Afternoon, The Middle East Cafe 480 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge 7 July 2018 First Saturday Afternoon, Zuzu 480 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge 1
Aug 2018-Oct 2018 First Saturday Night, First Friday too Center for Arts at the Armory 191 Highland Ave., Somerville 3
April 2020Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series on Zoom 90 and counting -April 1. 2022 __________
Wow, that's a mouthful. I know Great Weather For Media, the publisher of this anthology, through their sponsored reading series in New York City George Wallace, David Lawton and all the gang.
The anthology, Paper Teller Diorama includes my flash fiction, The Resigned Life of a Condo Owner. (sneak preview to the left)
THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: I am a condominium trustee at my complex in real life, not just playing one on TV, The adjacent buildings next to ours were being used as a dumping ground. I took that to create this twist of fact flash fiction piece where the Department of Public Works and various town offices calls our brave protagonist. Anyway, please check it out, at $19.00, it's cheap, without garbage.
Paper Teller Diorama is a thrilling collection of contemporary poetry and fiction from established and emerging writers across the United States and beyond. The anthology also contains an interview with San Francisco poet laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin.
Contributors: Claudia Acevedo-QuiƱones, Abraham Ajani, Austin Alexis, Joel Allegretti, Talal Alyan, John Amen, Oliver Baer, Pichchenda Bao, Tanya M. Beltran, Guy Biederman, Ama Birch, billy cancel, Ian Cappelli, Paul Corman-Roberts, Jeff Cottrill, Carol V. Davis, John Paul Davis, Dr. Deidra Suwanee Dees, Sean Thomas Dougherty, SaraEve Fermin, Cornelius Fortune, Timothy Gager, Emma Ginader, Diane Goettel, Rosalind Goldsmith, Leanne Grabel, Isa Guzman, Tim Hanson, Cindy Hochman, Erica Hoffmeister, Matthew Hupert, Karl Michael Iglesias, Alexis V. Jackson, Kit Kennedy, Ivan Klein, Andrew Kozma, Kate LaDew, Chime Lama, Jane LeCroy, Simon Lowe, Linda Malnack, Loria Mendoza, Anthony Morales, Valerie Nieman, Christy O’Callaghan, Jimmy Pappas, Wanda Phipps, Kenneth Pobo, Nicca Ray, Timothy Ree, Nnadi Samuel, Alan Semerdjian, Robert L. Shuster, Hilary Sideris, Myles Taylor, Aaron Tillman, John J. Trause, Andres Vaamonde, Cleo-Valentin, Alexandra van de Kamp, Carl Watson, Shannon Wolf, Celeste Rose Wood, Janet Jiahui Wu, Anton Yakovlev, and Donald Zirilli