Saturday, August 21, 2021

How many Dires by location? Let me count ...

    People that know the Zoom Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series around the world, may not know of the live event I ran in Cambridge, Ma. People in Cambridge may not realize that after a year and a half it popped up as a Zoom reading. For all of those folks here is the complete event tally and locations. 


February-March 2001 - First Tuesday reading at Cantab Underground                            2

June 2001-Aug 2002- First Friday, Out of the Blue Art Gallery                                       15
                                    168 Brookline St., Cambridge

Sept 2002-Oct 2011-First Friday, Out of the Blue Art Gallery                                         110
                                    106 Prospect St., Cambridge

Nov 4, 2011-                -First Friday, Yarrow                                                                        1
                                    106 Prospect St., Cambridge

Dec 2011-Sept 2014-First Friday, Out of the Blue Art Gallery                                          34
                                    106 Prospect St., Cambridge

Oct 2014-Nov 2017-First Friday, Out of the Blue Too                                                       38
                              541 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge 

Dec 2017-June 2018 First Saturday Afternoon, The Middle East Cafe
                               480 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge                                                    7

July 2018                   First Saturday Afternoon, Zuzu
                               480 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge                                                    1

Aug 2018-                Oct 2018 First Saturday Night, First Friday too
                                 Center for Arts at the Armory
                               191 Highland Ave., Somerville                                                             3

April 2020                Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series  on Zoom                          90 and counting
 -April 1. 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          __________

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