Sunday, August 29, 2021

REPLAY CENTRAL: The four features from reduced Summer 2021 schedule of Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series

          Many LIVE reading series take summers off.  Doing Virtual Fridays Dire on Zoom weekly is a blast, but I wanted some Friday nights in the summer to myself. I ended up missing it, and having four events from July-through August seems scant...but they were some great evenings. Check out Natalie Bonfig, John Domini, Anna VQ Ross, and Rachel Yoder, if you missed them----as these Dire presentations by the authors, I've been told, are like a master class in writing. 

July 9:  Natalie Brobin Bonfig

July 23 2021: John Domini

August 6 2021: Anna VQ Ross

August 20 2021: Rachel Yoder

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