Thursday, August 26, 2021

Autumn Schedule (back to weekly): Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series

    Features will read 10 minutes at either 7 PM or 8 PM Eastern Standard Time, at their preference (before or after the open mic). To see these events on live stream join Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series Group on Facebook or message me for information. All feature segments get uploaded to YouTube, and you have the option to subscribe.  Our  features are followed or preceded by the best open mic in the world, so bring your best stuff. 

Note: I no longer accept queries for features. 



10   DeMisty Bellinger

 17   Cheryl Pappas

 24   Matt Bell


1    Michael Keith

8   Gloria Mindock

15  Molly Gaudry

22   CD Collins

29  Kevin Prufer


 5  Beth Robinson

12  Alina Stefanuscu

19  Meg Smith

26  Gregory Wolos


3  Damian Dressick

10 Jason Wright

17 Blake Butler

24 OFF
31 OFF


Lakshman Bulusu said...

Dear Timothy Gager,

This is Lakshman Bulusu from Princeton NJ. I have joined the Virtual Friday’s group and would like participate / attend in featured readings and open mic in Fall 2021. Please send me the url for the same.

To introduce myself, I am a poet, author, and educator based in NJ. I have been published in
OpenDoor Poetry Magazine, The Poets Touchstone, Five Willows Literary Review, U. S. 1 Worksheets and other journals and anthologies in USA, UK and India. I invented the STAR poem poetic genre in 2016 and its sequel MIRACLE STAR poetic genre in 2021, both of which have been published/featured in journals/readings in the US, UK, Australia and India.
I have authored six collections of poetry.

ctgager37 said...

Hi. I saw you joined the Facebook group, so usually on the Friday, the link gets posted from there. Nice to get to meet you