Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coming Soon, Anti-Social Network, a chapbook of poetry from Redneck Press

Rusty Barnes reported it on their site HERE but basically it says this....

In excit­ing new news, Red­neck Press and Fried Chicken and Cof­fee will be pub­lish­ing three poetry chap­books in 2010/2011: new chap­books from Den­nis Maha­gin, Tim­o­thy Gager, and Rose­mary Royston.

Ken­neth Clark's Eggs of Amer­i­can Song­birds was offi­cially released on 12÷13÷10.

Sub­mis­sions for the 2012 chap­book series are open. Please use Sub­mish­mash and be sure to include details of why you think Red­neck Press/FCAC is the right press for you. Please don't send me bull­shit. Read the blog, the sto­ries, the poems, the man­i­festo, and be sure you've read a pub­lished poem or two within the last cen­tury and can demon­strate that knowl­edge by what you've writ­ten. You could buy and read our first chap­book release, too.  That wouldn't hurt your chances at all.
Our next chap­books will be from:

Den­nis Mahagin's chap­book Fare will be pub­lished in 2011. Den­nis is a poet and writer from the Pacific North­west.  He was born in Butte, Mon­tana, and stud­ied Music, Lit­er­a­ture  and His­tory at Whit­man Col­lege and Port­land State Uni­ver­sity.  His poems and sto­ries have appeared in mag­a­zines such as  Exquis­ite Corpse, 42opus, Absinthe Lit­er­ary Review, Stir­ring, Night Train, Key­hole, 3 A.M., Thieves Jar­gon, Sto­ry­glos­sia, and Smoke­long Quar­terly. Writ­ers who have influ­enced his style include Thom Jones, Barry Han­nah, Denis  John­son, Gre­gory Corso, Kim Addonizio, and Dori­anne Laux. A first book-length col­lec­tion of Dennis's poetry is forth­com­ing in late 2011, from Rebel Satori Press.  http://​fourhourhardon​.blogspot​.com

Tim­o­thy Gager's chap­book Anti-Social Net­work will be pub­lished in 2011. Tim­o­thy Gager is the author of eight books of short fic­tion and poetry. His lat­est, Treat­ing a Sick Ani­mal (Cer­vena Barva Press) fea­tures over forty sto­ries, many pre­vi­ously pub­lished in var­i­ous lit­er­ary mag­a­zines. He has hosted the suc­cess­ful Dire Lit­er­ary Series in Cam­bridge, Mass­a­chu­setts every month for the past ten years and is the co-founder of Somerville News Writ­ers Fes­ti­val. http://​www​.tim​o​th​y​gager​.com

Rose­mary Royston’s chap­book Split­ting the Soil will be pub­lished in late 2011/early 2012. Rose­mary is a poet and writer who has lived in the foothills of the South­ern Appalachi­ans for the last six­teen years. A native of north Geor­gia, she stud­ied at Young Har­ris Col­lege, The Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia, and received her MFA in Writ­ing from Spald­ing Uni­ver­sity in Louisville, KY. Rosemary’s poetry has been pub­lished in The Com­stock Review, Main Street Rag, Ale­house, Lit­eral Latte, Pub­lic Repub­lic, and Dark Sky Mag­a­zine. Her essays on writ­ing poetry are forth­com­ing in Women and Poetry: Tips on Writ­ing, Teach­ing and Pub­lish­ing by Suc­cess­ful Women Poets, McFar­land. She was the recip­i­ent of the 2010 Lit­eral Latte Food Verse Award, and she was the 2004 recip­i­ent of first and third place in poetry, Porter Flem­ing Lit­er­ary Awards. She cur­rently serves as the Pro­gram Coör­di­na­tor for the North Car­olina Writ­ers Network-West. http://​thelux​u​ry​oftrees​.word​press​.com/

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