Sunday, January 1, 2023

Tinkering into 2023 with a flash piece published in The Blue Lake Review.

      Mitchell and Diana Waldman have been tinkering around with their Journal, The Blue Lake Review since 2010, in fact, I was published by BLR in 2011.  Keeping up with a literary magazine is a lot of time and effort for two people to maintain.


           We all know tinkerers. They are the folks that are always doing things around their homes, sometimes major, sometimes minor. Usually you can find them installing dimmer switches, or reparing dining room chairs. Sometimes they re-wire things, or set up other devices, basically they are the at-home Mr. Fix Its, where most of the time they succeed, but at times, they do not.  

         This is a story about what happens to a family owned house which no longer is owned by a member of the family. How does one still manage to tinker? Read all about it! 

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