Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Mom and Pops, on Oddball Magazine, sooooo, Merry Christmas


photo by Chad Parenteau

Read Mom and Pops

So, it's creative non-fiction which means there is no story behind the story---it's just the story. I could point out the "creative" parts of this, but I won't. All I want to say about this piece is that I am grateful to people I've already spoken to about similar loss I am grateful to other writers who walked through the same events and wrote about them, giving me courage to write pieces such as this. I've thanked them. They know who they are.

Some say holidays is when you miss the people that are no longer in your life, but I think about my parents every day. 

Peace and Love. 

1 comment:

Holly Guran said...

Death gives holidays an added dimension, not the cheery one you hope for, but necessary. I appreciate your writing this, and the way you and your son are working together.