Monday, November 18, 2024

Talking About "The Shadows of the Seen" for the first time with Kristy Mickelson's in her W.W.A.F. Podcast

In this episode of the W.W.A.A. Podcast the Host Kristy Mickelsen welcomes her returning guest Best Selling Author Timothy Gager. Tim shares with us details about his two new works one which has just been released titled Almost Bluing for X-tra whiteness a book of poems. During Kristy and Tims discussion they touch on a wide range of topics from addiction, depression, marriage, loss of loved ones, suicidal thoughts, and gun control all in which Tim has personal experience with.

The conversation touches quite a few serious subjects including the topic of mass shootings and Tims feelings of gun control, but things are not all serious as Kristy light heartedly teases Timothy about his Reference to size when discussing the topic of paperback book sizes. 

(listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts)

                    My next novel, The Shadows of the Seen is due out in May 2025 (Pierian Springs Press), and I'm speaking on it for the first time in a wonderful podcast hosted by Kristy Mickelson. In this podcast I talk about the novel for the first time publicly (starting around 8:30). The novel is about the gun issue in the United States as told through the narrative of three main characters. Also because of the sensitive nature of the book's subject, I talk a lot about mental health treatment, but also I discuss my own depression. One of the characters in the book is based on a when I was going through a difficult time, so all in all, this podcast leaves me feeling very vulnerable. 

Earlier I also briefly talk about the books Joe the Salamander and Almost Bluing for X-Tra Whiteness. Please give it a listen. 

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