Monday, March 11, 2019

Anthology created for Memorial Day Weekend Reading in Marshfield, Ma.

Here's the reading info

May 26, 2019 Marshfield, MA

North River Arts Festival, 1:00 PM

157 Old Main St,
Marshfield Hills, Ma

Reading with Timothy Gager,  Dana Rowe, Gloria Mindock and Patricia Gomes 


     I remember how cool it was when the Writers and Reading Series in Baltimore printed a zine/booklet/anthology which featured the work of their features that night. Well, over in Marshfield, Elizabeth Hanson has done the same thing with a beautiful anthology with work by Dana, Gloria, and myself. It is for sale if you want it, and will be available at the reading.

Here's the cover and table of contents, kind of a good look for a reading. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Two of my books are on Big Table Publishing's best seller list

Big Table Publishing has a great new and very fancy website. Two of my books, Grand Slams: A Coming of Eggs Story and Every Day There is Something About Elephants are two on their best seller lists. The links feature the blurbs and an option to purchase. So to make it easy, below are the links to my Big Table published books. Thanks for checking them out.

Every Day There Is Something About Elephants

Chief Jay Strongbow is Real

Grand Slams: A Coming of Eggs Story

The Thursday Appointments of Bill Sloan