Hosting the Dire Literary Series and having my own readings puts me in touch with other great writers with great books. Time constraints didn't allow much other outside reading but year I'll have time to actually shop, pick and choose!
TG-Moving poetry at the micro and macro level
The Third Hotel
TG-A loss and grief paranormal mystery (would make a great screen series)
Ghost Tracks
TG-Short fiction not about paranormal ghosts but the ghosts of a city (Pittsburgh)
TG-If a tree falls in a forest what happens? Life, death, humor and sadness.
Getting Off
TG-An honest, vulnerable memoir about sex addiction.
My Fair Junkie
TG-Funny, gritty, honest. I loved this one.
J. D. Scrimgeour
Themes for English B: A Professor's Education In and Out of Class
TG-Memoir essays which I bought for it's signature essay about basketball, but remaining essays are just as good.

David Atkinson
Are Red, Violets Are Stealing Loose Change from My Pockets While I Sleep
TG-Flash fiction which covered surreal, real and otherwise
Rusty Barnes
On Broad Sound
TG-Poetry, Revere, Massachusetts themed. The man amazes me with his talent.
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