Saturday, May 2, 2015

Nick Flynn, Gregory Pardlo and Rachel Eliza Griffiths riding with me to MassPoetry 2015--and yes, I really screwed up the filming

Last year I rode with Kim Addonizio and all went smooth.

This year I was to pick up Nick Flynn--I practiced (my daughter plays Nick), made sure my camera phone was charged, set the mode to Airplane. I was prepared.

Except along the way, I was lucky enough to add Gregory Pardlo, this year's Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry and Rachel Eliza Griffiths. All went smooth until, the camera shut off, but I thought it was on, so when I really wanted to end the interview I turned it on (outtake below). Three great answers to closing questions weren't filmed. Here they are, mostly paraphrased...

To Rachel: What was your proudest moment as a writer?
A: I don't think I've had it yet.

To Nick: What were you feeling when you saw your life on film and how was it seeing Paul Dano being Flynn?
A: I wanted him to be me. I actually already lived it in the book, so being a part of a movie wasn't anything which wasn't anything I'd not experienced already.

To Gregory: How did it feel and what were you feeling when you found out you won the Pulitzer?
A: (to paraphrase--it was such a great, well formed answer...ugh, so sorry I lost it on film) Confused. I didn't want to feel like I was all that, but it felt almost like a dream, I was happy...but confused.

Also, the camera ran out of memory, so the closing remarks and final acknowledgments of these great poets and writers were lost. People, I'm not in the film industry, damn it.

So here's the video, minus 3 or so of the best minutes of it

Outtake: Note Nick says to Gregory, "That was good what you said..." (which didn't get fucking saved)

Rehearsing with Caroline Gager as Nick, riding to the CVS--See everything works---no ugly deletions!

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