Friday, March 31, 2023

"This Podcast will Change Your Life," with Ben Tanzer is up today.

        I've posted about other podcasts recently (Billy Dees, Dar Dixon). If you missed those THIS one will change your life. Ha!  Interview is with old friend Ben Tanzer

You can hear it at your favorite locations. Please listen



Here are my show notes

1. Accents. Boston, New York...I seem to like talking about this

2. Ben Tanzer and I have known each other 20 years....that Providence reading, they made us read outside because bar didn't like they had scheduled a literary event and the location had FM radio and Lyrnrd Skynyrd on. 

3. Short Street? Not the Best of....(which is like a beer can)

4.  History of my history with Big Table Publishing. 

5. The young Gager hated to write. 

6.  What were early ebook readers like?

7. "I demand a print book!" said The King

8. My first poem published by Doug Holder, "Insect"

9. The use of work computers for my early writing.

10. First short story written was about a feeling or emotion. 

11. If Larry Brown can do it so can start with Smoke on the Goddamn Water

12.  I was a professional musician, playing for drinks, driving around to gigs in a Plymouth Fury.

13. Wayne Gretzky scores!

14. Why I bring my guitar to open mics.

15.  Playing music with a friend during the pandemic--how music as "work" ended playing music for me. 

16.  How work ruins writing. 

17. MFAs should wake you up at 5 AM to write and have classes in avoiding your family. Feeding your kids in order to ditch them....but don't poison them. 

18. If you quit smoking you have time to write. 

19. Ben tells a wonderful Spielberg story that totally contradicts everything we've said so far. 

20. Retirement count for me, down to the second, as of March 14.

21. Referencing other podcasts during this one. 

22. Exercise and eat right otherwise it's the O.R.!

23. Recording glitch---and right into next three books? Poetry books are not planned. 

24. My actual fear of losing my mind. Being done. Finality. 

25. My kids know when to kill me.

26.  My actual end of life wishes are in a flash fiction piece in The Best of Timothy Gager. 

27. I have horrified Ben Tanzer talking about actual cremation. 

28. ...then I made him more sorry to hear more

29.  More talk about death, dying, bucket lists, and forgetting things

30. More about the Best of Timothy Gager.

31. Writing while drunk.

32. Cancel Culture---please, don't tell Fox News.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Art of Being Dar Podcast, Vol. 2.0. This is a HIGH energy show!

     I had the pleasure of appearing on the podcast with actor, producer Dar here is the video

We talk about Tic-Toc, Promotion, Bahston, People that ask for writing and Hollywood Production favors. ETC., Hell, we tell a lot of stories! And of course sobriety!!

Here it is on Apple

Here it is on Spotify


Life After Addiction & Creativity: A Candid Conversation with Timothy Gager, Author of "The Best of Timothy Gager"

In this eye-opening and inspiring episode, join us for an incredibly honest and captivating discussion with Timothy Gager, a recovered alcoholic and author of "The Best of Timothy Gager."

We dive deep into the challenges of overcoming addiction, the impact on daily life, and the process of re-discovering oneself after getting clean.

Tim also shares his journey as a writer and how his experiences have shaped his work. Additionally, we touch on the evolving nature of language and the role of politics in shaping societal norms.

This is an episode you won't want to miss, as Timothy's story, perspective, and creative pursuits offer valuable lessons for everyone, regardless of their background or experiences.

Tim's background, journey to sobriety, and the inspiration behind "The Best of Timothy Gager"

Finding purpose, rebuilding life after addiction, and channeling creativity into writingThe challenges of learning how to live life post-addiction and the role of writing in healingThe role of language in recovery, society, and Tim's creative workThe importance of addressing sensitive issues and evolving societal norms in literature and beyondBrief discussion on politics, the need for justice, and the influence on Tim's writingTim's aspiration to be a regular guest on the show and share his experiencesA closer look at "The Best of Timothy Gager" and the importance of having lively, entertaining guests

Don't miss this insightful and raw conversation that dives into the heart of addiction, recovery, and the journey to rediscover oneself while also exploring the creative world of writing.

Listen to the episode and watch the YouTube video to learn from Timothy's experiences, be inspired by his courage to share his story, and discover his compelling book, "The Best of Timothy Gager."

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Podcast: The Billy Dees Podcast. Have a Listen



Out today is the very professional podcast of Billy Dees. Check it out on Apple Podcasts, and give Billy a rating OR any place you enjoy podcasts.  This may be one of my most serious guest appearances. 

Billy Dees: "On this episode, Timothy Gager discusses his writing, love of poetry, and shares some of his own personal journey as part of the recovery community."


The ABC's of what I also talk about on the Billy Dees Podcast

a) being creative and adding an onion if you're a creative cook.

b) writing on relationships, recovery, and social work being used as topics. I also talk about, "More."

c) Why we understand addiction more these days, instead of us vs. dirty old them.

d)  Treating mental illness by self-medicating and self-medicating creating more mental illness. 

e)  What I was like growing up. 

f)   Why I didn't enjoy writing until after college. 

g)  Hey Robin Stratton, "How about 150 pages of new work in The Best of Timothy Gager."

h) Sperm

i) What you can ONLY get better at?

j) Sound poems "catch Billy's ear." 

k) Phil Collins poem

l) Throwing spaghetti against the wall. 

m) Representing Phoenix, Arizona, in Joe the Salamander

n) No need to research Denny's

o) Importance of throwing stuff out. 

p) Learning alot by being a failure. 

q)  Writing while clear headed. 

r)  Where to find my books. 

s)  Being too political on Twitter

t)  Followers leading to sales?

u)  Find your mouthpieces. 

v)   The awkwardness of sound bytes on Social Video

w)  blah, blah, blah, "Welcome to me..."

x)   Advice: Get out there!

y)   Caitlin Avery's book on her wonderful social media work

z)   Who gave the go for the neuro-diversity character, before Joe the Salamander came out

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Molecule, a tiny lit mag, publishes a teeny-tiny story of mine


           I don't tell the story behind every story, and I'm not going to for this one--titled Arpeggio. Consider it a teeny, tiny blimp on the map. Instead, I will categorize it under, clever word play----regarding musical metaphors. Music is very important to me, and when that music stops, well, there you have it.

             Read the story HERE, and also check out the rest of Molecule, as the ability to read 10 stories in 5 minutes is very appealing. Bravo to editors Kevin Caray, and M.P. Carver. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Reading And Podcast Appearances 2023

 Most Every Thursday, except Holidays

Virtual Thursdays Dire Literary Series, 7:00 PM- to around 8 PM

Hosting amazing features and an open mic

To Attend
Join Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series Group on Facebook
or e-mail me for information

or join Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series group on Facebook
or check The updates within my blog


Wed, February 22, 2023, 7:30 PM EST, Lynn, Ma.

Speak Up at The Walnut Street Cafe

hosted by Dave Somerset

Walnut Street Cafe
157 Walnut Street, Lynn, Ma


Sat, March 18, 2023, 6:00 PM EST, Boston, Ma.

Italian American Writers Association Presents

Reading with Janet Sylvester hosted by Julia Lisella

IAM Books
124 Salem St, Boston's North End


Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 8 PM EDT, Portland, Maine

Featuring at Port Veritas Tuesday Open Mic

hosted by Maya Williams, Portland, Maine's Poet Laureate

Equality Community Center
15 Casco St, Portland, ME


Sat, April 1, 2023, BOOK LAUNCH 4:00 PM EST, Somerville, Ma.

Best of Timothy Gager     Book Launch

Special Guests M.P. Carver and Cheryl Pappas

Center For the Arts at the Armory
191 Highland Ave., Somerville, Ma.


Mon, April 3, 2023, 6:30 PM EST, New York, NY.

Phoenix Reading Series Mic

featuring with Jennifer Martelli hosted by Jennifer Juneau

Shades of Green Pub
125 E. 15th street
between Irving Pl., and 3rd Avenue.


Sat, April 8, 2023, 4:00 PM EST, Essex, Ma.

Second Saturday open Mic

featuring with Chad Pareneau hosted by Alexandra Kirby

First Universalist Church
59 Main Street, Essex, Ma


Sat, April 15, 2023, 7:00 PM EST, Byfield, Ma.

Bluebird Performance Venue Invitational Mic

Featuring Guitarist Scott Ouellette and Percussionist Tom Lynch
plus Mary Barba wtih a Cello ensemble from the Beverly Study Orchestra

Bluebird Performance Venue
7 Central Street Byfield, MA, $10 Adults, $5 Children
The Bluebird Performance Venue


Sat, May 6, 2023, 11:30 AM EST, Salem, Ma.

Panel Discussion: Massachusetts Poetry Festival

Panel Discussion: Bring Your Own Mic: The Emergence of Online Poetry Reading
with Chad Parenteau, Jha D and Toni Bee

to be Announced



5) Externally Amy with Amy Harrison

6) Anna David's Podcast, On Good Authority (click to listen)
