Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today I have an essay in The Fix

The essay is not about addiction straight up but it about recovery. It's about how I applied the 12 Steps to a change in my eating habits. Read it HERE

Mostly I changed because of the selfish things I was doing to the Earth. I've written food blogs before, (Super Bowl Party treats, totally not vegan) but boy what a difference. Even vegan I'll still submit to Fried Chicken and Coffee, just saying. 

 Eating like this one day at a time is pretty delicious. 

The Fix writes about addictions, straight up. I've read it daily for years and followed McCarton Ackerman, Laura Barcella, Kelly Bourdet, Anna Davies, Jacqueline Detwiler, Amy Dresner, A. J. Dugger, Mark Ebner, Neville Elder, Taylor Ellsworth, Nina Emkin, Paul Gaita. Kevin Gray, Chrisanne Grise, Hallie Hart Hodenfield, Richard Juman, Michael Kaplan, Carmela Kelly, Sam Lansky, John Lavitt, Bryan Le, Kristen McGuiness, Sy Mukherjee, Ted Rall, Adam K. Raymond, Kevin Sabet, Michael Showalter, Sue Smith, Valerie Tejeda, Nathan Thompson, Moe Tkacik, Jane Velez-Mitchell, Meg Williams, and Chris Wright

I also found out about Bill Clegg, David Sheff, and Regina Walker. to name a few. All in all, there are some great readings within their "pages".

I'm thrilled to be published by this fine and helpful magazine. 

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