Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Important Stuff regarding the book launch for Almost Bluing for X-Tra Whiteness.

  PLEASE read to through the end. *  

   I’ve had some amazing book launches in the course of my nineteen  books. I read at all of them without any reservations, as I was confident in the work, had some friends to read with, and the turnout was great. All-in-all, very humbling. There were many highlights, which I remember fondly.

2014 Lasagna Launch for Bill Sloan---(Hi, mom and dad)

The Thursday Lunches of Bill Sloan 
In 2014 for The Thursday Appointments of Bill Sloan, I made a lasagna, and hand packed 15 or so brown bag lunches to give to those attending. In the novel, the main character, Bill Sloan used to bring the same brown bagged lunch every day. The lasagna had nothing to do with the book, but I make a killer lasagna, and no one spilled, spit out food, or destroyed anything at Porter Square Books. Those who brought home lunch bags messaged me the next day that they ate it for their lunch break at work.

Elephants anyone?

     Every Day There is Something About Elephants had a great launch, but in a way, sad now as The New England Mobile Bookstore closed during Covid. That was such an interesting place, and still is missed. On that day, the CEO for my publisher, Big Table Publishing, Robin Stratton brought food and elephant cutouts. After that launch I was texted pictures of elephant related anything and everything.

          Speaking of Covid, the book 2020 Poems, was launched on Zoom in January 2021. It was ten months into the pandemic, when people never left the house. I was grateful for the large support I received on camera that day.

         In 2022, and 2023,  Joe the Salamander and The Best of Timothy Gager brought in full houses on two Saturday afternoons  at The Center for the Arts at the Armory in Somerville. At Joe’s launch I had t-shirts from Sunnyslope, Az, where Joe and his family lived, Legend City Amusement Park, where Joe’s father worked, and a Superman shirt, which Joe often wore. 



  Which brings me to this Saturday, and the launch for my new book of poetry, Almost Bluing for X-tra Whiteness. I have some reservations because it will be difficult to read some of the poems, originally written 2022. A lot when down in 2022, and things got dark by the end of that year. Many of these poems reflect that. Those who knew me then know exactly what I’m talking about, and those I trust, have heard if from me. If this is new information…well, you and I really must work on our relationship.

I’m a proponent of in writing, that you must go there, to the difficult places, whether in memoir, fiction, non-fiction or memoir, because that’s what makes it real, and in my case, I just wouldn’t write. It’s obvious in my writing when I’ve made a decision to hold back. What I will say about those past struggles is the support which I received from many people during that time. I will never forget those friends who were and are still a part of my journey. I can say with complete honesty that now life is amazing, and everything going on today is full of hope, love, and gratitude.

Hope to see you all Saturday. I’m so happy to bring out the new book, and I hope someone asks me about the title.  Best of all, I’m extremely excited to present the other poets, supporting this reading, whom I find spectacular, Melissa Cundieff, Krysten Hill, and Chad Parenteau. I’m grateful for accepting my invitation to celebrate with me. Also, the Remnant Satellite Brewery in Cambridge is the sponsor of this event, because they wanted to support the arts in the area. They certainly stepped up to the plate.

2:30 Doors Open

3:00 the Readings

4:00 Reception, Cash Bar, Cash Food



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