Sunday, April 30, 2023

"Many Times the World is just a Prompt" Mt appearance on Kristy Mickelson's W.W.A.A. Podcast

         This is listen only, no You Tube, but what a listen. Kristy Mickelson is a daft professional and I know I keep saying that "this is a good one," but experience (for me) births improvement (for podcast appearances). Kristy was a joy to work with, which made things extremely easy. She is a strong advocate for the disabled, and mother of two autistics, so we talk more on Joe the Salamander then Best of Timothy Gager.  Also in being just plan lucky. See my show notes below

Give a listen!


1. Intro
2. How I got started as a writer (2:14)
3. Undiagnosed A.D.D. and being sent to the Principal's office (2:33)
4. Writing became no longer agony (3:09)
5. My writing process for different types of writing (4:04)
6. Talking about Joe the Salamander and disabled cultural appropriation (5:21)
7. Telling a fictious story based on autism being represented in the right way (7:56)
8. Write what you know but never knowing what's inside of people. What's inside the mailman (8:35) 
9.  "A very special Blossom Episode," why Kristy is NOT on youtube. (8:46)
10. Biggest struggle in the "author world" (9:40)
11. Biggest accomplishment (10:42)
12. The Thursday Appointments of Bill Sloan. Picking up an unfinished novel after sobriety and finishing it, and the way it was structured.  How did I write a funny book with no less than 4 suicides in it 
13.  MY SOBRIETY, and never knowing how to live. A fiction writer creates narratives about  themselves  The need to change and giving up "my best friend" When you get help there are people just like you! (14:30) 
14.  Initially wanting only two steps of a 12-step program. (18:17)
15.  Back to author questions. What advice to give to new authors? (19:35)
16.  Not remembering what I write (20:20)
17.  Marketing and publicity-hearing the same old stuff. What's new in promotion? It's not "join social media" I talk about genius Anna David's book On Good Authority
18.   Why social media is tired (24:10)
19.  other funny promotional stories....F this mess in Baltimore! (24:40)
20.   This year Best of Timothy Gager and the next three books in my head(26:20). 

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