Tuesday, March 16, 2021

2021 Spring Schedule for Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series (4/9-6/25, 2021)

Features will read 10 minutes at either 7 PM or 8 PM, their preference. To see these events on live stream join Virtual Fridays Dire Literary Series Group on Facebook or message me for information. All feature segments get uploaded to YouTube, and you have the option to subscribe.  Our  features are followed or preceded by the best open mic in the world, so bring your best stuff. For previous features see HERE

Note: I no longer accept queries for features. 


2 Easter Weekend- OFF

9 The all-open mic One Year Anniversary Event

16 Sandra Simonds

23 George Wallace

30 Caroline Leavitt


7 Charles Coe

14 Susan Henderson

21. Major Jackson 

28 Memorial Day Weekend-OFF 


4 Kara Vernor

11 Meredith Goldstein

18 Kimberly Ann Priest 

25 Joanna Smith Rakoff

Still Zonking the Zoom Bombers--You can't get me!!

Because of pranks, perversion, and racism which will not be tolerated, here are some guidelines I will be using some of the following at various times.

1) People will be Automatically muted when entering, only host can unmute you, at any time
2) Eliminate Chat
3) Eliminate screen share
4) Lock Dire at 715 so even if you get booted out by mistake, you may not be able to re-enter--sorry.
5) Block camera ability for any interlopers that are frustrated by all of the above.
6) Not post the event on Twitter
7) Not publicly post Dire link to zoom

7+) Immediately remove offending animal. 


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