Good news today. The print Tell-Tale Inklings {Tell-Tale Chapbooks is the press} is out and includes two flash about domestic abuse: "How She Traded Up on Damnation" and "How He Was Left". The first, from a woman's point of view, is a nifty revenge murder piece where the murder gives the eulogy. “The lake burns with fire and brimstone”.
"How He Was Left" is a man, left and full of shame and regret.
A happy Sunday to you all
Tell-Tale Inklings is a literary journal obsessed with poetry and flash fiction. Writers: Stephan Antsey, Mia Avramut, Zachary Bos, CL BLedsoe, CD Collins, Susan Deer Cloud, Lori Desrosiers, Naomi Elster, Timothy Gager, Patricia Gomes, Lucy Holsted, Marian Kent, Lawrence Kessenich, Mignon Ariel King, Valerie Lawson, Lynda McClellan, David P. Miller, Gloria Mindock, Shannon O'Connor, Chad Parenteau, Ralph Pennel, Tim Reed, Dana R. Rowe, Sarah Russell, Rene Schwiesow, Jan Steckel, Martin Willetts Jr
It is edited by friend and poetess Mignon Ariel King who brought you Hidden Charm Press. Buy it HERE