Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bipolar published in MiCrow

According to them: MiCrow is the flash fiction section of Full Of Crow, with two online issues a year in Summer and Winter. This issue was edited by Michael J. Solender and features: Susan Gibb, Jeffrey S. Callico, Chris Deal, Doug Mathewson, Howie Good, Michael Webb, Jason Warden, Timothy Gager, Nigel Bird, R.S. Bohn, Mike Robertson, Dorothee Lang, Laura Cummins, Randall Brown, Nabina Das, Sean Ulman, Paul Beckman, Ron Koppleberger, Jeffery Miller, Carol Maginn, James Tallett, Susan May, and Richard Godwin.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sometimes when you google yourself....

...you find a few published poems when you look hard enough. This fall in Polarity, an e-magazine edited by George Wallace there were two of mine.

Lovemaking Advice from a Serial Grape Eater


An Eighteen Year Old Searches for her Soul

How did I miss these?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nicolle Elizabeth and Fictionaut checks in with me about The Dire Literary Series

And I'll talk of other things like punk music crossover in the eighties.

The interviewer, Ms Elizabeth has a great book of flash, Threadbare Von Barren. Here's her blog

Come to my poetry reading in NY or VIEW IT LIVE!!!!! 11/21, 4 PM EST

Sunday 11/21 at 4 PM The Bowery Poetry Club Presents

The Beat Hour w/ George Wallace 

Featuring Timothy Gager, Helen Peterson and Jeanann Verlee, - $6

4:00 PM

Tim Gager,
Helen Peterson
Jean Lehrman.
Watch Live on the Web!

The Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery
(Between Houston and Bleecker)
F train to 2nd Ave, 6 to Bleecker

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Poem in Ibbetson 28

Featuring Poets Marge Piercy, Dan Tobin, X. J. Kennedy, Kathleen Spivack, Fred Marchant and me....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Where Did You Come From?

 Here's a micro story up on Night Train . Micros are great if you're trying to say a lot in a very small space. Think of making an important call in a phone booth and you only have one minute

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About This Year's Somerville News Writers Festival VIII

In the Boston Globe (bottom)
http://www.boston.com/ae/books/articles ... s_stomach/


Readings at 7 PM, $10

Hosting and Reading Timothy Gager with music by Cooper DeVille

Featuring: Malachy McCourt, Sam Cornish
writers: Jennifer Haigh , Steve Almond,Michelle Hoover, Ethan Gilsdorf and Rusty Barnes
and poets: Fred Marchant, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Dan Sklar, Martha Collins and Douglas Holder

Don't forget FREE Book Fair during the day with

Porter Square Books


--1-2 PM Rusty Barnes
--2-3 PM Ethan Gilsdorf
--3:30-4:30 PM Michelle Hoover
(Timothy Gager will be at this table all day and tickets to evening event will be available)

The Somerville News
Ibbetson Street Press
Grub Street

More author signings all day
Alan Ball
Adelaide Vaal Da Silva
Don Hammondtree
Joyce P. Wilson
Jon Papernick
Joyce Wilson
Kim Triedman, Poets for Haiti
Lori Desrosiers from Naugatuck River Review
Luke Salisbury
Paul Steven Stone
Peter Adams
Steven Beeber